Students who earn the ICC milestone at any campus of any Indiana state public institution of higher education prior to matriculation at Indiana University Bloomington will not be subject to IU Bloomington ICC requirements. Students who transfer to IU Bloomington after partially completing ICC requirements at another IU campus or at another Indiana state educational institution will have their transfer credit applied, course by course to IUB degree requirements in accordance with published course articulations and transfer credit policies. Please note that courses associated with a particular ICC competency area at one institution or campus will not necessarily apply to that (or any) ICC competency area at another institution or campus.
Completion of the ICC does not add to, subtract from, or alter any other degree requirements, including school requirements, major requirements, minor requirements, or requirements for an undergraduate certificate.
The ICC and IU Bloomington GenEd Requirements
All undergraduate students at Indiana University Bloomington must complete the campus-wide GenEd requirements prior to graduation. Four of these requirements are contained within the IU Bloomington ICC, so students who have earned the ICC milestone prior to matriculation at IU Bloomington will automatically have satisfied the following:
- English Composition
- Arts and Humanities
- Social and Historical Studies
- Natural and Mathematical Sciences
Two IUB GenEd requirements go above and beyond the ICC framework, in terms of both level and specificity of content:
- Mathematical Modeling
- World Languages and Cultures
Depending on their course selection in completing the ICC, some students may have also fulfilled these requirements prior to IU Bloomington matriculation. Those who have not will be required to do so prior to graduation.
For details on the IU Bloomington GenEd requirements and the courses that apply toward their fulfillment, please consult the IU Bloomington General Education website.